Get your copy of the SaaS Attacks Report: 2024 edition

Manage supply chain risk

Too often, security teams are asked to review new cloud apps long after employees have started using them with live data. Every new app and identity expands your attack surface and introduces new supply chain risks.

Push gives you visibility of your cloud supply chain and alerts you every time a new supplier is added.

Keep an accurate inventory of approved SaaS suppliers
Get real-time alerts to new cloud apps and third-party integrations
Classify apps by sensitivity and approval status
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Always know who your third-party SaaS suppliers are
Always know who your third-party SaaS suppliers are

Before you can start to reduce supply chain risk, you need to know who your suppliers are. Push provides an accurate inventory of all the third-party cloud services that your employees are storing data with.

See who's using each app or integration, what data they can access, when they were last used and if there are any outstanding security issues still to be resolved.

Classify SaaS by sensitivity and approval status
Classify cloud apps by sensitivity and approval status

Sort your SaaS supply chain according to the sensitivity of the data they will be given, and whether they have been approved by your security team.

ChatGPT app banner
Set guardrails for the data that can be entered into apps

Remind employees what your policy is on certain apps by using in-browser app banners. Stop sensitive corporate and customer data going into apps like ChatGPT.

Get alerted immediately to new SaaS and third-party integrations
Get alerted immediately to new cloud apps and third-party integrations

Get alerted via ChatOps every time an employee signs up for a new cloud app or integrates a new third-party service with your Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace tenant.

Review employee-adopted apps sooner and remove any you don't want or need.

Get alerted immediately to new SaaS and third-party integrations
Review risk profiles and delete risky integrations

Push presents security insights for all third-party integrations so you can make a quick judgement call about whether you can accept the risk.

Not happy with the app and the data it can access? You can remove the integration either in the Push platform or using the ChatOps alert message.

Automatically ask employees to remove dormant integrations
Automatically ask employees to remove dormant integrations

Stop dormant third-party integrations from building up over time and exposing your business to unnecessary supply chain risks.

Push automatically reduces your attack surface by asking employees to remove any integrations they are no longer using.

Quickly map the blast radius of a third-party breach
Quickly map the blast radius of a third-party breach

When a cloud service vendor reports a breach, you can rapidly determine whether anyone in your business has been using the app and find what data has potentially been compromised as a result.

Ready to take Push for a spin?
You've got 10 free licenses and nothing to lose