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Stay on top of shadow IT with a real-time SaaS inventory

Keeping an accurate SaaS inventory is hard, particularly when employees are signing up to their own apps. CASB and SSPM solutions have blind spots and generate false positives making them unreliable.

Push provides the most accurate SaaS inventory by using a browser extension that directly observes SaaS use.

Uncover the SaaS apps employees are actually using, including shadow IT
Detect new apps in real-time when employees first adopt them
Save time preparing for SOC2 and ISO27001 audits
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Keep an accurate inventory of your current SaaS environment
Keep an accurate inventory of your current SaaS environment

You can quickly pull up an updated dashboard in the Push platform of all SaaS apps - including any shadow IT - being used across your business.

See who's using each app, when they were last used and if there's any outstanding security issues still to be resolved.

Get real-time visibility of employee SaaS use
Get real-time visibility of employee SaaS use

Push detects both social logins and user credential (username & password) logins using a combination of browser and API data.

This approach gives you complete and accurate visibility of all SaaS - including free tiers and trials - without the false positives.

Detect new SaaS when employees first adopt it
Detect new SaaS when employees first adopt it

Your IT and security team can get alerts via Slack and Teams when employees first sign up to new SaaS apps.

This allows them to step in at the earliest opportunity and make sure your data isn't being put at unnecessary risk.

Sort your SaaS inventory by sensitivity and approval status
Sort your SaaS inventory by sensitivity and approval status

Classify your apps according to the sensitivity of the data they will interact with.

Track which apps in your inventory have been approved, and which apps handling sensitive data still need to be reviewed.

Cactus approved app
Guide employees toward approved apps and prevent SaaS sprawl

Prevent employees from signing up to unapproved duplicate apps by using Push's in-browser app banners.

ChatGPT app banner
Help employees to use approved SaaS apps securely

Provide your employees with just-in-time guidance on how to follow your security policies on your approved apps.

Save time preparing for security audits
Save time preparing for security audits

Push enables you to produce an on-demand list of your third-party service providers whenever you need it. Quickly demonstrate that you know where your data is and that it's being protected.

Save yourself days of effort trawling through finance records and network logs when you're getting ready for a SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA or Cyber Essentials audit.

Find and fix security issues across your SaaS inventory at scale
Find and fix security issues across your SaaS inventory at scale

We don't stop at telling you what SaaS your employees are using. Push goes further than traditional SaaS management platforms by finding security issues putting your data at risk and then kicking off automated remediation workflows to fix them.

These include compromised and weak credentials, no MFA on accounts and risky third-party integrations.

Ready to take Push for a spin?
You've got 10 free licenses and nothing to lose