Get your copy of the SaaS Attacks Report: 2024 edition

Prevent identity attacks

Set in-browser security controls that proactively reduce the likelihood and impact of an identity breach.

Block phishing attacks and risky behaviors
Stop employees creating weak identities
Guide employees to use work apps securely
Trusted by
Okta password reuse blocked
Stop SSO credentials being exposed or phished

Block employees from entering their IdP credentials into webpages that don’t belong to the identity provider.

ChatGPT reason required
Enforce your policies in the browser

Enable Push’s out-of-the-box controls or create custom controls that enforce your security policies.

Blocked app
Block unapproved apps

Limit shadow SaaS sprawl by stopping employees from accessing applications that haven’t been approved.

Managed and unmanaged apps
Discover unmanaged identities and apps

Uncover and protect all your workforce identities, whether they're in your IdP or not.

Leaver apps
Off-board leavers from 
all work apps

Remove managed and unmanaged corporate accounts belonging to employees leaving your business.

SSO onboarding
Get more behind SSO

Detect new apps and onboard them to SSO. Direct users to login to supported apps using their federated identity.

Mailchimp and AWS password
Prevent employees from creating vulnerable identities

Don’t use leaked, weak or shared passwords.
 Do use phishing-resistant MFA and federated identities.

Enable MFA on account
Guide end-users to fix issues

Alert users to identity vulnerabilities and guide them to harden them with easy-to-follow instructions.

New app discovered
Track changes to your identity infrastructure

Get alerted when employees trigger your controls and when your identity attack surface changes.