Webinar: How Computer-Using Agents Can Be Leveraged In Cyber Attacks

Release notes

Product release: September 2023

Capture app owner and custom notes, quickly understand a newly added app, and hide accounts you don’t want to license.

Here's what’s new on the Push platform this month.

Capture app owner and custom notes

You can now specify an owner for each app in Push to make it simpler to identify who’s responsible when there’s a question or security concern. In the Push admin console, go to Apps and select the app, then use the Owner field.

Need to make a few notes about an app, too? You can do that now in a free-form Notes field.

Owner field gif - release notes - September 2023

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Quickly understand a newly added app

Know more about an app that Push has discovered by checking the app description details we’re adding. Get basic context to help you make a decision about an app in your environment.

App description gif - release notes - September 2023

Hide accounts you don’t want to license

If you’ve got service accounts, test accounts, or others you don’t intend to license in Push, you can now hide them from the Unlicensed list in the admin console.

Hide unlicensed employees gif - release notes - September 2023

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